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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 3939 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 267 Seiten
Verlag: Afro Romance Books (7. Juni 2019)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#319.700 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Miranda has been the chief money maker and caregiver to her 2 siblings since their parents died 7 years prior in an auto accident. She put her art interest on the back burner to study business administration to earn a living. She needed the $5M that Xavier Hilton was willing to pay a surrogate to implant the eggs of his dead fiancé and carry the child to term. Along the way they fell in love but Xavier was still mourning Cassie not realizing what he was doing to Miranda. Great book and it looks at surrogacy and holding onto the dead when it’s the living that needs the love.
So happy I can across this series. I read book two yesterday. Loved the heroine and the hero. The heroine was raising her siblings after her parents died. Becoming a surrogate would help her siblings with college and other responsibilities the family had. The hero had lost his fiancee to Leukemia, before dying she had froze her eggs. The heroine was picked out of five other women to carry the baby. You can guess what happens the hero and heroine ends up falling in love. The hero is still in love with his deceased fiancee, he feels guilty that he can love someone else feels as if he is betraying her. This was an awesome story loved when the hero became a total Alpha male protecting his woman. Oh yeah the sex scenes were HOT.
Great characters! I like Miranda, she's smart, independent, bold and a little sassy...emotions not withstanding, lol. I like Xavier, he is much more than his billionaire status, he's a bit strong-willed but not too pushy and has a heart which is still broken. He needs Miranda and not only for the baby, just as much as she needs him and not just for the money. The thing I really like about Miranda is she's pretty much upfront with him and she's not a gold-digger. They're both a bit stubborn and have some very realistic life issues to iron out but their friends/family are great support resources and I really like how the author writes the drama. There are a few typos which can be frustrating but when I put that pet peeve aside, this story was very enjoyable to read and I just love it!!!
Funny how what began as a surrogacy morphed almost immediately into love! As things often are when one is battling the pangs of loss and guilt over loving another Xavier presented no different. Although he was with Miranda, admitted he had feelings for her it was not until his father shared with him that he almost lost Xavier's stepmother because of misplaced guilt and holding on to someone already transitioned from this world. I was glad to see the love each has for the other is so strong that it weathered the storm that came their way and continued to bloom and blossom. I am stoked to read the sequel for I am sure there has to be one. Great story with loving characters and I enjoyed this story immensely.
This is a great read and a terrific love story. Letting go of a lost love is never easy. This is a story with a different slant. Miranda knows that Xavier is still clinging to his love for his previous girlfriend, who died several years ago. Add to that the negative media and this time he must say the words. She will have all of it none of him. Easier said than done. It's worth the price and I highly recommend it.
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