Ebook The Good Women Of China: Hidden Voices, by Xinran

Ebook The Good Women Of China: Hidden Voices, by Xinran

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The Good Women Of China: Hidden Voices, by Xinran

The Good Women Of China: Hidden Voices, by Xinran

The Good Women Of China: Hidden Voices, by Xinran

Ebook The Good Women Of China: Hidden Voices, by Xinran

Haben Sie eine brandneue Veröffentlichung gefunden Ihre Ferien zu erfüllen zu lesen? Planen Sie es gefunden? Wenn jemand nur Strategien müssen Urlaub haben und auch mit einigen Personen zu gehen Reisen gibt es noch andere, die für die Bücher schauen zusätzlich die Ausfallzeiten zu nutzen. Es ist nicht eine Art bedeutet, schwer, diese Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden. Heute ist die ausgefeilte Technik, um betroffen Ihnen zu helfen, etwas zu tun.

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auf jeden Fall dieses Buch zu lesen, könnte den genauen Bedarf und auch wichtige Methoden erstellen zu unternehmen und auch dieses Problem zu überwinden. Zeitplan als Heimats Fenster der Welt könnte das genaue Szenario dafür, wie dieses Buch präsentiert wird. The Good Women Of China: Hidden Voices, By Xinran, wie wir Aussicht hat einige Entwicklungen zu überprüfen, schlagen sein. Außerdem ist es aus aus exakt den gleichen Gegenstand geprüft wird, wie Sie benötigen, hat es ebenfalls faszinierenden Titel zu überprüfen. Sie können ebenfalls sehen, wie die Gestaltung der Abdeckung stilisiert wird. Sie sind eigentlich gut ohne Frustration getan.

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The Good Women Of China: Hidden Voices, by Xinran


"These are stories that must be read" (Amy Tan)"This is a book from deep in the heart of China. As shocking as it is revealing... An extraordinary and eye-opening read" (Jon Snow)"Xinran's "Good Women of China" are all strong, strikingly resourceful characters who offer unforgettable insights into the past and present of Chinese women's lives" (The Times)"The Good Women of China demands attention" (Observer)"[Xinran] writes compassionately but unsentimentally, dramatising the stories like gripping fiction" (Daily Mail)


For eight ground-breaking years, Xinran Xue hosted a daily radio phone in programme for Radio Nanjing during which she discussed women's lives, and invited women to call in and talk about themselves. Broadcast between 10 and 12 at night, "Words on the Night Breeze" soon became famous all over China for its powerful, honest discussions of what it means to be a woman in today's China. It started in 1990, a time when China seemed to be opening up, both for Chinese and for the world. Xinran's programme revealed aspects of women's lives that had never been talked about in public before. She felt as if she was opening a tiny window into a huge fortress whose inhabitants had never before communicated with the outside world. Soon she was receiving over two hundred letters a day from women telling her their stories. She realised that she knew far less than she had thought about what it means to be a Chinese woman and embarked on a journey of discovery to collect their stories.The stories presented here of almost inconceivable suffering rape, sexual abuse, the separation of parents from their children, the suppression of human emotion in order to survive the Communist regime never before have the tortured souls of Chinese women been laid so bare. And yet this is also a book about love, about how, despite cruelty, despite politics, the female urge to nurture and cherish remains. And then there is Xinran herself: an extraordinary woman who, despite her own unhappy past, has given her life to saving the stories of Chinese women from oblivion. 'This is a book from deep in the heart of China. As shocking as it is revealing. An extraordinary and eye-opening read.' - Jon Snow. 'Xinran's 'Good Women of China' are all strong, strikingly resourceful characters who offer unforgettable insights into the past and present of Chinese women's lives.' - "The Times". '"The Good Women of China" demands attention.' - "Observer". '[Xinran] writes compassionately but unsentimentally, dramatising the stories like gripping fiction.' - "Daily Mail".

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Taschenbuch: 240 Seiten

Verlag: Vintage; Auflage: New Ed (5. Juni 2003)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 9780099440789

ISBN-13: 978-0099440789

ASIN: 0099440784

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

12,9 x 1,5 x 19,8 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

2 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 140.002 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

"How much happiness can there be in the life of a woman who has lived through the last few decades?"Dieser Frage widmet sich die ehemalige Journalistin Xinran in ihrer Sammlung von Geschichten über chinesische Frauen aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten. 8 Jahre lang hat die Autorin in den 80er Jahren eine Radiosendung in China moderiert, bei der viele Frauen sich erstmals all ihren Schmerz und ihre schlimmen Erfahrungen von der Seele reden durften - nach Jahrhunderten der Unterdrückung durch ihre Ehemänner, Väter und Söhne.Die Bücher, die ich bisher über China gelesen habe, es sich um die Geschichten einzelner Familien, während dieses dem Leser einen viel weiteren Einblick gibt, was es hieß und noch immer heißt, eine Frau in China zu sein.Ein bisschen hat mich die journalistische, aufdeckerische Qualität des ganzen gestört, obgleich diese auch einen interessanten Einblick in die Probleme journalistischer Arbeit in einem Land gibt, in dem die Medien nur das Sprachrohr der Mächtigen, sprich der Kommunistischen Partei sind - sehr berührt hat mich auch der Sinneswandel, der sich an der Autorin selbst vollzogen hat, nachdem sie diese schrecklichen Geschichten gehört hatte; am Ende hat sie ihre Arbeit als Journalistin ganz aufgegeben. Ab und zu hat sie vielleicht etwas zu viel über sich selbst geschrieben, aber man darf nicht vergessen, dass auch sie ein Kind der kulturellen Revolution war und viel davon zu berichten hat.Das Resultat ihrer Arbeit ist ein spannendes Buch, das immer wieder fast zu ungläubigen Tränen rührt, zu Kopfschütteln und einem anhaltenden Kloß im Hals. Gleichzeitig erzählt es irgendwie nicht nur davon, eine chinesische Frau zu sein, sondern hat mir vor Augen geführt, wie emtional ähnlich Frauen aus aller Welt sich eigentlich sind, und welche Kapazität für die Erduldung von Schmerz und Erniedrigungen - alles für die Liebe und für die "Revolution" - sie alle in sich tragen; und wie tragisch es ist, wenn sie am Ende doch daran zerbrechen.Dieses Buch ist ein Muss für jede Frau. Keine leichte Lektüre, und ein Buch, über das ich bestimmt noch lang nachdenken werde. Absolut toll!

This must be the book with the worst intimate information which I ever read. Xinran was a radio moderator in China before she moved to England, where she could write this book. For a long time the radio was besides the newspapers the only source of information at the disposal for the Chinese, and both were government controlled instruments. The book is about the experiences of the author with the women of China in the wake of her work as a well known radio moderator. Her radio broadcast was meant for these women and dealt with their fate.She compiled the most touching, outstandingly harrowing and distressing stories. It is shocking and scandalous how the people in China treat with one another, especially how the women are treated. They have to suffer outrageous injustice; endless, senseless suffering, in addition a lack of civil courage, the follies of communism as well as of the tradition, nourished by the ambivalence of the many different religious directions; moreover the lack of education and the immorality, which since the rule of communism spread ever more. All unthinkable spawn of evil are quite naturally and unchangeably protected and fostered in China, desperation drives the people into their deaths.And hit the women always hardest, because they were already the weakest before the levelling down of the individualists by the communist party. A people without sun, without reason, where children are raped and violated, the olds tortured, where the families misfortune is culture, where oppression of any kind and political terror seem to be the days order, where foolishness, lovelessness, indifference and carelessness are practised to the excess. China, a land of no hopes, of no security, a loose cannon, a ticking bomb this land is, for the children grow up in a soulless society.All exaggeration? Read! Very valuable! It is also a tremendous appeal for more human togetherness, for more charity and brotherly love - even when the party did not design it. Life in China makes clear how much the people need a sustainable hope to build up a society worthy for living.What are the causes for all this? We read in this book that in China men think of women as almost worthless, they only use them. "Men wish a virtuous wife and good mother, who does all homework like a servant." Many men have several lovers. "They despise their lovers, otherwise they would have married them long ago." "There is no true love, the couples who outwardly live together fondly, stay together only for the personal advantage, be it money, power or influence!"It is also said that: "Women put emphasis on feelings, men on flesh!" And only the men get what they want!The poorest are in China women and children. The children are in a dilemma, because: "they had never got acquainted with a normal lovely surrounding, in which they could have grown up.""Since the long gone days of matriarchy the Chinese women, as for their state and reputation, were on the lowest level. They were classified as things, as part of possession, distributed like food, tools, weapons. Later access to the world of men was granted, but their place was at their feet and in total dependence of the goodness or malice of the man."But are there not the religions of Konfuzius, Tao te King and Buddha which could have a healing effect? About the faith of the people the author says: In first line is the faith in the Party, "outside your house believe in the Party and be careful in everything what you do". At home there are other practical solutions: "They do not know which God is mighty and which spirit could show to be more effective, therefore they believe in all of them as a precaution."I believe that there is hardly one woman who really understands what religion is. The most only understand to imitate the other people in order to have no disadvantage!"The little money the poor people have is spent for religious rituals and holy pictures "but they had not become richer or happier."The stories span a period from the takeover of the Communists in the end of the forties until now."A situation which is characterizing for the China of today is either to have a family in which there are no sentiments for one another, or to have sentiments, but no family!"The remnants of tradition are not really helpful: for the Chinese it is most important to save one`s face. "The only thing which is important for the Chinese is their face, but they do not understand that there is a context between their faces and their bodies". Or: "When a man beats his wife or clobbers his children, many Chinese have the opinion that he puts his house in order."The cultural revolution tore many wounds into the country. Children rose up against their parents, because they had not really known them. They believed the paroles of the revolutionists. Lovers were torn apart for the sake of the Party. Children were separated from their parents. Girls were made to members of the Party when high officials savaged them. "Sexual submission became the touchstone of their loyalty". And "When the girls developed physically they became victims of molestation and rape". The author describes several shocking examples, only such which she knows at first hand: girls like Hongxue who only had some joy with a fly before she was driven to suicide; like Hua`er , who was raped by the Revolution and many others who were driven to lunacy or suicide. Culprits were their teachers, their friends and in many cases even their fathers and brothers.If their night mares could be audible for us, decades would not be sufficient to listen to always the same kind of stories!" Many people in China are dragging their whole life the big, dark shadows of their memories along with them.The men spent their time either in prisons or in specialist training. In China they say: "In every family there is a book which is better not read aloud. The pages of this book were stick together with tears and can no more be opened. Future generations and outsiders will only see the hardly visible title... people who watch the joy of families and friends who are reunited after many years of separation, will only seldom ask how this family got along with their longings and their grief during all these years of separation."Sometime the author had enough, hearing of all that misery and seeing it herself by the women of the "Calling mountain": "the Chinese brains is still missing the cells, which are competent for processing truth and freedom". The author left the country, because out of the discord between what she knew as a journalist and what she could report an atmosphere evolved which made her mental and physical health suffer.You should have read the book. But you have to be strong. And when you lay it aside you should stand the temptation to hate the whole humankind. Instead you should campaign for all people`s availability of access to a good measure of information sources and that the human rights which are so natural for us attain acknowledgment everywhere. And as already Paul of Tarsus said: "You men, love your women!"

The writer is excellent. The first story is so interesting that I could not stop reading it . Was very disturbing and I found myself asking could this be true? Sometimes story's are played upon to make them more interesting. But still there is truth to the story I can feel it .And when I consider were these stories come from (China) I'm inclined to believe that they are true. As you can see this Chinese woman writer, Xinran , gets one to thinking! So nice to read and hear about women from other countries makes me feel closer to women in general all over the world suffering from such stupid indignities imposed upon them by society. To sum it all up I'd say this book is interesting reading. I recommend it highly.

I assigned this book for my Community College students in my Reading classes for several semesters. It gave me a look at customs so different from our own, and many of the vignettes were absolutely heart breaking. It is a must-read. Pick it up, read it, and share it with everyone you know. Help them to understand the plight of women in China.

What an amazing account of such a diverse group of Chinese women including both cultural norms and historical context. I was captivated by the author's compassion and honesty as she discussed patriarchy, homophobia, prison life, natural disasters, death, aging, sexual terrorism, domestic violence, politics, and so much more. Although not written for the faint of heart, this work is a labor of love and an exceptional account of the multiple realities of women's' lives in China.

I cried multiple times. Xinran is a compelling writer even through translation, and this book provides valuable insight for non-Chinese into both the individual circumstances of Chinese woman and the overall atmosphere of Mao Zedong’s China.

As another reviewer writes: Don't miss it! Don't dismiss it! Cuz this is a book that will open your heart & change your mind.I already love the way Xinran writes cuz I have Sky Burial: An Epic Love Story of Tibet. THE GOOD WOMEN OF CHINA: Hidden Voices are from her nighttime write/call-in show for women only, back in the 1980s out of Nanjing.You will meet the people who work at the radio station.You will encounter the omnipotent presence of The Party.You will get to know the women of rural China, who have never been paid much attention.The wind will be knocked out of you as you witness the levels of neglect & abuse.Your soul will be scarified by the callowness, soullessness & non-respect for people of the female gender, no matter their age or status, endemic in that nation.Then you'll become devoted to each woman's story, & wonder how you would live that stoically, that heroically.Xinran delivers it all: someplace else; some new people & some fresh ways to stir your conscience.

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